
There are many factors that affect the operating life of lifts in general. These factors include frequency of use, conditions under which the unit is used, the quality and regularity of the maintenance services and the handling of the unit by the users/owners themselves.

In buildings where there is an existing lift, hoist or escalator, the following key indicators may point to the need to either fully or partial upgrade the unit:

* The unit installed is over 20 years old;

* The frequency of breakdowns, call outs and repairs has significantly increased over the past 12 months;

* The cost of these breakdowns, call outs and repairs has significantly increased over the past 12 months;

Based on the above information and full assessment of the unit, a qualified Vision Elevators consultant may recommend an upgrade or modernisation tailored to meet your specific needs.

If a full modernisation is not commercially viable, Vision Elevators may carry out upgrades of certain key components to improve the reliability of the unit, such as:

* VVF door operator;

* Machine replacements;

* Drive and control replacements;

* Door detectors for passenger protection;

Complete lift modernisations include everything from supply to installation to final commissioning. Once commissioned, a comprehensive maintenance agreement can be entered into which includes lift safety inspections, scheduled monthly maintenance and 24 hours emergency service.


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